s EFCI Register | Notified body for FPR 2019/1009 | About us

About us

EFCI Register (Chamber of commerce number: 72629665), provides CE certification for fertilising products under the FPR 2019/1009.

Want to read more about the FPR? Click here to read our support portal that contains a lot of written explanations. 

Our keywords & promises are:

  • - Independent & reliable
  • - Affordable, effective & to-the-point
  • - Approachable, operated out of The Netherlands by a professional and motivated crew
  • - Internationally recognized
  • - ISO 9001 certified by LLoyds Register


You can get your product CE certified by applying for certification with a notified body appointed by an EU member state. EFCI Register is one such notified body. If you apply with us for CE certification, by using our application form, we will contact you and explain the steps.

It is possible to opt-out of using the software systems EFCI Register has developed. However, because this will make the certification process less efficient, there are also extra costs involved with this.

Yes, you certainly can. Should you not choose your own lead auditor, EFCI Register will appoint one for you during the application review phase.

We believe that all projects are unique. We will thus provide an obligation free quote at the start of a project that contains a detailed price overview. Please note we are a non-profit entity and are thus not guided by commercial interests, all quotes are based on a standard pricelist.

We are currently based in the Netherlands and all critical processes are handled out of the Netherlands. Our lead auditors are able to provide certification across the world.

We offer CE certification for fertilising products under Module B and Module D1

EFCI Register receives its financing from certification clients and the fees paid by these clients.  EFCI Register is a registered tradename of Stichting Global Network Group TIC